Treatment of osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint at home

Almost every person over the age of 45 is familiar with joint pain, which is associated with discomfort, a violation of normal limb function. The main causes of such diseases are excessive physical exertion, injuries, an unbalanced diet, and so on. A common disease that people often encounter is arthrosis of the shoulder joint (coxarthrosis is less common). Treatment for the initial stages of the disease can also be done at home, see below.

Causes of arthrosis

Degenerative lesions of the cartilage and surrounding tissues that cause discomfort while moving are pain in the arthrosis of the shoulder joint. The disease can be caused by a variety of factors, which can be subjective or objective. The main causes of the disease are:

  • Joint injuries that have caused inflammatory processes that negatively affect the condition of cartilage and bone. Often, the disease develops after a dislocation (especially if the joint is not adjusted in time and improper tissue fusion has begun), arm fractures, severe bruising.
  • Hypothermia of the joint, which negatively affects the condition of the cartilage and the work of the joint.
  • load on the shoulder joint as a cause of arthrosis
  • Excessive strain on the shoulder joint. Athletes who do physical work are at risk of the disease.
  • Presence of diseases that cause arthrosis, such as polyarthritis, obesity.
  • Congenital pathologies can become a prerequisite for the development of the disease.
  • An unbalanced diet, the use of harmful foods (salt, fat, fast food) that negatively affect the condition of cartilage and provoke disease.

Grades and symptoms

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint is considered a chronic disease, but it can progress very quickly. It is worth starting treatment in the initial stage, when the therapy can be done on your own at home, there is a high probability that we will get rid of the negative consequences and effects of the disease. A doctor's visit will help you determine the presence of the disease and confirm the diagnosis, in case of such symptoms:

  • Weakness of the upper extremities, which can be observed not only after intense training or exercise, but also in the morning, after rest.
  • Pain in the shoulder that intensifies after exertion and goes away at rest.
  • Painful feelings reduce the motor activity of the joint, leading to stiffness, an inability to lift or turn the limb high.
  • Occasionally there is swelling in the joint area.
  • The pain can be applied to the neck or upper limb, which reduces vital activity and causes general malaise.

In medicine, arthrosis of the shoulder joint has three stages of development, each of which has certain characteristic symptoms and characteristics:

  • 1 degree. At this stage, there is mild pain that increases as the arm is raised or the load is increased. Treatment is easiest in the first stage and patients can perform it at home.
  • 2 degrees. The mobility of the joints is impaired, any manipulation causes sharp pain that does not decrease even during rest. There are often cases where it is impossible to raise your hand on your own with an arthrosis-affected joint.
  • 3 degrees. The section is called deforming arthrosis of the shoulder joint. This is a difficult stage in which cartilage deformation is observed, inert growths occur, frequent exacerbations occur. Changes in the joints interfere with the normal functioning of the hand, with surgery being used as a treatment in 98% of cases.

Recommendations for home treatment

This disease is associated with a lot of discomfort, disrupts normal life, disrupts the normal rhythm. This negatively affects the patient's general well-being and emotional state, so treatment is necessary. In the first and second stages of the disease, therapy can be performed at home, following all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.

shoulder pain caused by osteoarthritis

A complex of methods is used for healing, which allows to achieve the most effective result. Many can be used at home. Complex therapy includes:

  • Medicines.
  • Adhering to a diet, switching to a proper, balanced diet.
  • Perform simple physical exercises.
  • Surgical intervention.
  • Application of folk methods.
  • Physiotherapy procedures.
  • Other methods: treatment with leeches, acupuncture.

Diet control and adherence

Diet and proper nutrition play an important role in the treatment of shoulder arthrosis. First of all, it is worth removing from the diet those foods that negatively affect the condition of cartilage, the elasticity of the joints. Principles of nutrition:

  • Harmful foods that adversely affect the health of the joints include: dairy products, pork or veal, potatoes, corn, some vegetables - peppers, eggplant, tomatoes. It is advisable to reduce the amount of such ingredients consumed or to eliminate them completely from the diet.
  • Their flexibility helps to consume flaxseed and olive oil to improve the condition of the joint.
  • It is recommended to eat foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, bananas, olives).
  • Drinking alcohol is contraindicated.
  • The food is cooked by cooking, baking and steaming. It is advisable to exclude fried, pickled foods.
  • The diet should be as balanced as possible so that the body gets the maximum amount of useful vitamins and minerals.
  • Experts recommend the use of sweets, carbonated water.

Physical activity and massage

The treatment of the disease is favorably influenced by certain physical exercises that can be performed at home. Gymnastics improves blood circulation in the tissues surrounding the joint, which contributes to further nourishment of the cells; helps to strengthen muscles, develop joint connection. Exercise set:

1 exercise:

  • Starting position: the patient becomes even and the hands behind the back clasp in the lock.
  • Raise your arms, trying to keep them straight without bending your elbows.
  • Repeat the manipulations ten times.

2 exercises:

  • Starting position: standing upright with arms lowered.
  • Perform circular movements alternately with your shoulders, first forward and then backward.
  • Repeat 14-20 times.

3 exercises:

  • Keep it straight, lower your hands.
  • A load of no more than half a kilogram (one weight, one bottle of sand or water) should be taken into the left hand.
  • Make circular movements with your hand back and forth, repeat 15 times.
  • Perform similar manipulations with the other hand.
manual therapy for shoulder inflammation

In addition to performing the exercises, the affected shoulder massage will also help. The procedure has its nuances that must be followed to achieve maximum results:

  • The procedure should be entrusted to a professional who knows everything at the highest level.
  • It is worth starting the massage with rubbing and caressing, which helps to relieve the pain and prepares the body for the procedure.
  • The movements should be as precise as possible so as not to cause pain but to alleviate the pain.


In the early stages of the disease, medication is used, which has a different effect on the disease depending on the group of drugs. It is important to note that taking medications does not solve all problems, this technique should be used in combination with other combat methods such as physical activity. Follow your doctor's recommendations and follow the dose when taking medicines, injecting or using ointments. The following groups of drugs are used:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Medications help relieve swelling, remove inflammation of tissues in diseased joints, reduce pain.
  • Chondroprotectors - drugs that improve blood circulation, help cartilage repair.
  • Analgesics, anesthetics can be taken as tablets or topical ointments can be used to relieve pain.
  • Muscle relaxants are medications that relieve muscle cramps and relieve pain.
  • Vitamins, dietary supplements that enrich the body with useful substances to improve health.

Folk remedies

Folk methods of treatment are often used to help remove the symptoms and manifestations of the disease, relieve the condition and get rid of the pain. Healthcare professionals recommend a combination of traditional and traditional medicine, but it is important to discuss everything with your doctor. Ointments, homemade compresses, baths, compresses and rubs are especially popular.


herbs for osteoarthritis of the shoulder

In folk medicine, ointments are often used that contain natural ingredients that help fight the disease. To make a popular and effective drug, you need:

  • Take 10 grams of hops, sweet clover, St. John's wort. The herbs are chopped and rubbed together.
  • To better combine all the ingredients, add Vaseline and mix thoroughly.
  • Rub the ointment on your shoulders to help reduce pain and remove inflammation.

Potions and tinctures

Broth: in an enamel bowl, mix half a celery root, parsley (3 roots), three glasses of water, a pinch of black pepper. Boil all the chopped ingredients under a lid for 10 minutes. Drink the resulting decoction 14 days before a meal all day. The corn stamp decoction is also useful, which is prepared by boiling 2 tablespoons of the ingredient for 10 minutes and drinking one tablespoon five times a day.

Effective infusion: boil sea buckthorn bark (3 tbsp), dandelion root (2 tsp), parsley seeds (2 tsp) and mint (3 tsp) in 0. 5 liters of water. Leave overnight in a dark place. Drink 2 tablespoons of tincture on an empty stomach before breakfast. Another recipe for a simple but effective tincture: squeeze radish juice (about 30 ml), honey (20 grams) and a pinch of salt. Take before going to bed, preferably after aqueous procedures.

Compaction and rubbing

A popular recipe for traditional medicine is oatmeal compresses. For the procedure, cook 30 grams of oatmeal in two glasses of water. Apply the prepared mass on your shoulders for 30 minutes. Use angelica root for rubbing (pour 15 grams of grass with boiling water, stick to it). Rub the sore shoulder with the resulting tincture. The second effective rubbing recipe: cook 10 grams of rosemary flowers and hawthorn, mix with fat and rub three times a day.


spa for shoulder arthrosis

Baths are actively used to improve blood circulation to damaged tissues and supply them with additional nutrients. Herbs and prizes are added to the water for maximum results. Popular plants that have a beneficial effect on the patient: chamomile (anti-inflammatory), mint (sedative), juniper, burdock (relieves pain, relieves the condition).

Rules for preparing baths for the procedure:

  • Cook the herb, make a concentrate that you pour into the bathroom.
  • Lie down in the bathroom so that the sore spot is submerged in water.
  • Rub the sore shoulder with a towel and smear it with cream or ointment.

Other folk methods

Other methods of conventional medicine are also used to treat shoulder arthrosis, which also have a tangible effect:

  • To relieve and relieve pain, a few grams of propolis should be mixed with 50 grams. fat. After physical exertion, rub your shoulders.
  • Wrapping your shoulders with a cloth soaked in a solution of charcoal powder will help relieve bloating.
  • Experts in traditional medicine recommend that you drink half a lemon juice before dinner to improve your metabolic processes in the tissues.
  • It helps to eject a hard egg that needs to be rolled over a sore shoulder.


The main ways to prevent the disease are:

  • A balanced diet with a complex of essential minerals and vitamins.
  • Regularly do a series of physical exercises.
  • Do not overload the shoulders, arms, so as not to adversely affect the joints.
  • Eliminate the causes of the disease.